Sunday, September 30, 2012

What I Don't Know About Hamlet

1) Honestly all I really know about Hamlet was that it was a play written by Shakespeare. (I heard in a movie that he was a guy that couldn't really make up his mind about anything, but I'm not sure if this is true or not.)
2) Shakespeare was a writer from a long time ago. I know him mostly from his plays that he wrote, like The Tragedy of Romeo and Juliet, and that to most of us they are really confusing to read. He wrote in a way most of us don't understand. Also he used iambic pentameter, meaning each line contained ten syllables.
3) Students usually frown when they hear of Shakespeare mostly because they know it will take a lot of work to be able to understand what he is talking about. Also it seems most of his stories are sad and tragic and people don't usually like to see that happen.
4) I think we should act it out! Also going over what Shakespeare really means will help us so we can enjoy reading the story, but also actually understand what is happening.

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