Monday, August 20, 2012

Reflections on Week 1

  1. All of this new technology we are now using is great and we're finally 'up with the times' but I am not very tech-friendly. I find most of it confusing and even right now I have been working for probably an hour just to put a video on this blog and it's not working! It's very frustrating for me when I can't do things easily. I do not believe my family will complicate anything, in fact both my sister and father help me when writing. Friends are often a distraction, but I am usually good at keeping a safe distance so as to continue with my work.
  2. It was at the Los Olivos Dance Gallerey where I truly learned the meaning behind dance. Dancing is not just steps. It's really combined movements you feel through your core that you apply to music. It's an art form and a beautiful one at that. Easily I was changed. Once I realized this I began to feel the steps, be one with the floor, and it improved my dancing by a very wide margine. This feeling taught me to listen and that people won't be telling you things unless they believe it has some sort of importance.
  3. I am excited to finally learn the ability to open my mind to new ideas and revelations. I find that learning anything is worthwhile and so I am ready for it. Knowledge is what helps us grow and let me just say I would love to be 10 feet tall (not literally of course!). These learning experiences I receive in this class will help me in the future, especially in college. I will soon gain the abillity to know where to access information and know the way around a classroom, something I truly need. 

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