Sunday, March 3, 2013

Brave New World (Ch.2-3)

Throughout these chapters this book has become more of a story. We learn of different characters and what the interactions are supposed to be like. Also how the infant clones are taught and how they live life. One example would be when the clones are little they are taught to love themselves and dislike anybody who is in a different 'class' than they are. They are taught this through sleep-teaching where this idea becomes engrained into their minds. Also the 'teachers' are cruel with their ways of teaching. Another example would be that they don't want the infants to like books or nature so they set them up in a room where there are books and flowers. This seems fine, until one of the clones touches either. After this occurs they are electrocuted and alarms go off. They do this to associate these items with pain. Then as they grow older they are taught that family life was horrible back in the day and that it's not something you want. They do however want the girls to be promiscuous, but to not be part of a serious relationship. Lets just say, life is strange in this new world. Information is jumbled throughout the text so the reader must really pay attention to understand it all.

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