Monday, August 27, 2012

Vocabulary List #3

Accolade: a ceremony conferring knighthood; an expression of praise
---The movie that was set in the 1500s contained an accolade.

Acerbity: sourness of taste, character, or tone
---The acerbity of the person was quite annoying and made me dislike him.

Attrition: a gradual diminution in number or strength
---Righetti High School has no problem with attrition when thinking of students.

Bromide: a commonplace remark or notion
---Often hearing, “Good luck!” before a game is bromide.

Chauvinist: prejudiced belief in the superiority of one's own gender, group, or kind
---The guy was a chauvinist thinking that he was better just because he was a man.

Chronic: of long duration; continuing
---All day I have had a chronic headache that won’t go away.

Expound: to explain in detail
---My teachers have to expound their lessons because more often than not the books don’t help.

Factionalism: conflict within an organization or nation
---There was factionalism at my dance class when the younger girls wanted to play and the older girls wanted to dance.

Immaculate: impeccably clean; spotless
---After the maid was finished, the bathroom looked immaculate.

Imprecation: a curse
---I hope nobody ever sets an imprecation on me that would cause me harm.

Ineluctable: not to be avoided or escaped; inevitable
---All homework that must be done is ineluctable.

Mercurial: quick and changeable in temperament; volatile
---The pregnant woman acted mercurial and couldn’t make a decision about anything.

Palliate: to make less severe or intense
---My physical therapist doesn’t want to make my work-outs palliate because then I might lose all the progress I have made.

Protocol: a code of correct conduct
---All working people must do their jobs according to protocol.

Resplendent: splendid or dazzling in appearance; brilliant
---I hope to look resplendent on my wedding day.

Stigmatize: to characterize or brand as disgraceful
---I stigmatized the book because it had no plot line.

Sub rosa: in secret; privately or confidentially
---I always tell my best friend what is happening to me but usually sub rosa.

Vainglory: boastful, unwarranted pride in one's accomplishments or qualities
---I hope that I never come across as vainglory whenever I speak proudly of something.

Vestige: a visible trace, evidence, or sign of something that once existed but exists or appears no more
---I hope that someday there will be vestige proving the existence of unicorns.

Volition: the act or an instance of making a conscious choice or decision
---He did what he wanted by his own volition.

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