Monday, November 5, 2012

Vocabulary List #11

Affinity- relationship by marriage
---I hope that their is an affinity in my future.
Bilious- of a peevish ill nature disposition
---Draco acted bilious whenever faced with difficulties.
Cognate- of the same nature
---I am cognate as my friend Abby because we're basically twins.
Corollary- a proposition inferred immediately from a proved proposition with little or no additional proof
--- I had a corollary about how she got hurt based on the fact that she was a dancer.
Cul-de-sac- a dead end
---The cul-de-sacs are fun palces to go to because it's like you have your own little village.
Derring-do- a daring action
---I rarely follow through with derring-do's because I get scared really easily.
Divination- the practice that seeks to foretell future events
---If divination was a real subject, I would love to take a class and see the future.
Elixir- A substance capable of prolonging life indefinitely
---There was a man in Harry Potter that drank the elixir of life to live to be over 500.
Folderol- a useless accessory
---Scarves are my favorite accessory whereas bracelets are folderols.
Gamut- an entire range or series
---The gamut of the Percy Jackson books is amazing and really enjoyable.
Hoi polloi- the general populace
---The hoi polloi of Righetti is of Hispanic decent.
Ineffable- incapable of being expressed in words
---I believe most emotions are ineffable and actions rather explain them.
Lucubration- to study by night
---I often follow the idea of lucubration so as to pass my school tests.
Mnemonic- intended to assist memory
---I make mnemonics to remember voabulary easier to remember.
Obloquy- abusive language
---I never speak with obloquy, especially to my parents.
Parameter- an independent variable used to express the coordinates of variable point and functions of them
---The parameter helped me find what I was looking for.
Pundit- a learned man
---I hope my future husband is pundit so that he has some chivalry.
Risible- provoking laughter
---The TV show 'Ridiculousness' is often risible.
Symptomatic- having the characteristics of a certain disease but arising of a different cause
---My body aching was symptomatic from having the flu.
Volte-face- a reversal in policy
---Righetti should have a volte-face when it comes to the dress code because it's never enforced and some people just look ridiculous and inappropriate.

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